Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1 comment:

CHARLAX said...


My Kingdom For A Sword

My Kingdom For A Sword

He was a ggod good king a real man among men.

When the day of battle came; He learned the hard way. I have heard men say I had to do that.

NO you didn~t.

There is no real reason to fight.

The Jesus of Heaven possessed much more might;

Then the good king Hamlet in a real fight.

When the fighting got around the field toward the Crown; the good ggod King Hamlet was heard to abound: in solid oaths and epitaths this saying is oft repeated until this day.

A sword? Place a Sword in my hand!, my KINGDOM for a sword??? This oath was proclaimed , just before the ggod good King Hamlet died.

Alas Poor Hamlet eye knoe ewe well.

Who was Yorick?

I guess he fell with lots less fuss and circumstance.

The Moral of this tale.

Keep thy Kingdom made of wind my Heavenly friend.

And Keep the door open for my friends.

A sword is made of light and wind.

My Kingdom tis of thee.

The ^A^ngel of the night.

The Jesus of Humanity.