Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Okay, I'm pretty sure no one finds the Randy Johnson thing as hilarious as I do, but, good Lord, that man is terrifying.  According to his MLB profile, he is 6'10 (true) and 73 years old (probably not true).  When I opened his profile in order to look for some more things to make fun of, I could only look at it for one second before I screamed and started hitting the back button.  

Horrible.  Jessie pointed out last night that Randy Johnson is a giant who grinds bones to make his bread, and that is all that can really be said about that.

In much less horrifying news, the Cubs re-sign Dempster.  Thank goodness.  Hopefully that means I don't have to worry about the Big Unit skulking around like a monster.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

If Kerry Wood couldn't get the contract he deserved here, it's more than fair to let him go get it somewhere else.  It sounds like it was the best thing for him and, I hope, for the team.  Besides, I am, in fact, aware that people get traded in baseball and that nobody sticks around forever.

I understand all that, but: I have hardly any Cubs-related memories (good or bad) that don't involve Kerry Wood somehow.  I was just a kid when he started, and so was he.  So I didn't know this was coming, even though I probably should have.  I guess I really thought he would retire as a Cub.

Well, thanks, Kerry, and I hope you get that victory somewhere else; you deserve it.  But I wish it had been here.

Monday, November 10, 2008