Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hope, the anchor

So I'm going to lay this out carefully, without mentioning specific possible outcomes, because I want to avoid any chance of cursing anybody.  But:

The Cubs beat the Brewers tonight; that means our magic number is 4.  We're playing the Brewers again tomorrow, of course, and then again on Thursday.  And Thursday is the game I'm going to.

Well, there it is.  I don't mind if it doesn't happen that way; I think the Cubs have their confidence back and will probably be okay in any case.  What matters is whether they win their division, not whether I'm there to see it.  But I keep thinking of A. Bartlett Giamatti's line from "The Green Fields of the Mind," one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I know: 
The aisles are jammed, the place is on its feet, the wrappers, the programs, the Coke cups and peanut shells, the doctrines of an afternoon; the anxieties, the things that have to be done tomorrow, the regrets about yesterday, the accumulation of a summer: all forgotten, while hope, the anchor, bites and takes hold where a moment before it seemed we would be swept out with the tide.
So now - well, now I guess we wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Okay, clearly Mark DeRosa, one of the nicest guys in baseball, really cheesed off the dude taking the pic for his rookie card.

Teddy's "looking into the future" pose completes me.

And Geo...dang, he handsome.

Allie said...

What's up with comments showing up in the wrong place, Blogger?

Poor DeRo. Seriously.

Geo is definitely handsome, but the way he's apparently swinging that bat at the camera is hilarious to me.

I hope Edmonds' card was used in some form of hazing when he first came to the Cubs.